Tuesday, December 01, 2009

3 Keys to avoid the failure

If we assume that human is the same as natural.
There are three things that you need to consider if you want to avoid the failure of anything you would do.

When is the appropriate time to do the thing?
Who is the most important person that we should work with?
What is the important mission that we should do all the time?

The answer is quite simple and impressive.
"Present" is the most important time.
The most important person is the "person in front of us."
And, "To make the person in front of us feels happy" is the most important mission that we should do.

Practicing yourself to live the life in the present, with the surrounding people and nature 
is a thing that we should do by "mindful mediation."

Whenever someone get in troubles, their mind are full of bad thing. if they were trying to wash those bad thing from their mind, it is equal to increase those bad thing to their mind again and decrease pure mind. Look at those bad thing and do not trying to do anything. Let the law of energy wash them. By this way, They will be able to keep their power before they lost. 

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